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Group Classes

We offer the only force free group classes within a 15 km radius of Blackburn. Whether you want to sharpen certain skills or attend long term, we've got the courses for you.

Dog Training

Available Classes

Dog on stone in the water


Our intention is for you to be able to attend classes with us for the life of your dog, with lots of variety and opportunity for continued growth.   We also intend to run courses in obedience, rally, nose works, and dog sports, as well as social classes which you can attend just for fun. More information on these will become available in mid-2025. ​


Manners One

For dogs who haven't trained with us before

Our Manners One course is suitable for dogs of all ages who have not completed puppy classes with us, or who completed Puppy One with us over two months' ago.


Manners One covers the same content as Puppy One and Puppy Two, but is targeted towards adolescent and adult dogs.

Puppy Two

For graduates of Puppy One and other preschools

Our Puppy Two classes consist of four in-person classes.


In Puppy Two, you will learn about:


  • Pattern games to increase engagement

  • Flight training (teaching your puppy to flee from things which scare them)

  • How to escape an off leash dog

  • How to safely break up a dog fight

  • Advanced co-operative care techniques for enjoyable vet visits, grooming and handling

  • Building on existing basic cues and skills and developing new ones, such as stand, recall, leave and give

  • An introduction to nose work


Manners Two

For graduates of Puppy Two / Manners One

​In Manners Two, you will learn about:


  • Teaching your dog to remain calm around distractions

  • Leash handling skills, including how to use a long lead

  • Refining loose lead walking and short bursts of heeling

  • Solidifying your dog's recall around distractions

  • Conditioning dogs to wear items such as muzzles and Elizabethan collars

  • Teaching your dog to stay in a sit, drop and stand around distractions

  • Advanced co-operative care techniques


And more!


Group Class FAQs

What are your fees?

When you sign up for group training, you’ll pay a one-time ‘joining fee’, and then a nominal amount for each class you attend. You’ll never pay a ‘renewal' fee. 


  • One-off joining fee: $300

  • Per class fee: $20 (2025 rate)


Existing Thrive Canine clients (including graduates of our puppy courses) will receive a discounted joining fee. Please email if you are an existing client.


Can I get a refund of my joining fee?

We only provide refunds as required by applicable law. That means that in general, your joining fee is non-refundable.


What equipment is permitted in class?

All group class attendees must use a suitably fitted Y-shaped harness. We stock and can fit Blue-9 harnesses. Other harnesses we recommend include: Perfect Fit, Dog Copenhagen, and Ruffwear.


We do not permit the use of flat collars in class except where required in preparation to compete (for example, in our obedience and rally courses), or where your dog finds harnesses aversive. If the dog pulls on lead while wearing a flat collar, they are at risk of causing injury to their neck.


We have a zero tolerance policy for use of aversive equipment including slip leads, check chains, head halters, prong collars and e-collars.


Can my dog attend classes if they're reactive or aggressive?​

No. Dogs with aggression and reactivity concerns which will present in the class environment (for example, reactivity to dogs or people) are not permitted to attend group classes.


This rule is for the benefit of your dog.  When a dog has a tendency to behave in a reactive or aggressive manner, we need to avoid placing the dog in situations which are likely to trigger that behaviour so that they stop rehearsing unwanted behaviour and feel less stressed. Having a dog in class which is repeatedly and continuously reacting does not help the dog, the other attendees, or the trainer.


If you're not sure whether your dog is eligible for group training, please contact us and we can arrange to assess their suitability.


What happens if my dog develops reactivity or aggression after they start group classes?​

If your dog starts group training with us and subsequently develops aggression or reactivity, you will be asked to stop attending classes and we will make alternative recommendations as appropriate to assist you.​​​​​


I have more questions!

Please visit our general FAQ page or, if your question isn't answered there, email us at as we'd be happy to assist you.

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